Monday, August 07, 2006

Another Computer with VA Data has Gone Missing

Two days after two teenagers were arrested for the stolen computer that contained the personal information of 26.5 million veterans - the VA is reporting that another computer has "gone missing." This time the impact is smaller - it only contained the information of 38,000 veterans.

Unisys, the VA contractor, who lost the computer claims it didn't have any financial information - but if you read into it a little deeper - they state:

"In the latest case, Unisys told the VA on Aug. 3 that the computer was missing from the company's offices in Reston, Va., the VA said. The VA and Unisys said the data may include names, addresses, Social Security numbers and dates of birth."

My analysis of this is that there were no credit card numbers, or bank accounts - but generally everything else an I.D. thief needs to go out and create a lot of "financial information."

Gotta love some of these "press releases."

For the Reuters story - courtesy of CNet, link here.

Here is post, I did reflecting my thoughts on the last VA computer that went missing:

The VA Data Breach is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem

I close this post with that thought.


Anonymous said...

For a good laugh - click on your link in the article to Unisys and view their motto.

prying1 said...

Thanks for posting on situations like this Ted - I heard nothing on this on the radio news (Don't watch TV news) - Guess Mel Gibson is more important. Perhgaps it has been played on the PA stations. I hope so.