One of the better places for the average person to learn about the sometimes murky waters of the Internet is free and sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission. Although OnGuardOnline.gov and AlertaEnLinea.gov, its Spanish-language counterpart have been around for awhile -- some new and exciting improvements have been made to the site with a just released Web 2.0 redesign.
The new and improved site allows users to grab and embed games and videos, search for topics on the site, take a “show of hands” poll, and have a more interactive experience while learning how to avoid becoming an Internet crime statistic.
Articles and games covering sixteen topics -- including social networking, phishing, email scams and laptop security; plenty of buttons and banners you can post on your blog or website; free publications consumers and organizations can order; and links to the OnGuard Online partners from the public and private sector.
I should add that a lot of good people from both the government and private sectors have given resources and their valuable time to assist the Federal Trade Commission with this site. Industry and government partners -- include the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, United States Postal Inspection Service, Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission, National Cyber Security Alliance, Anti-Phishing Working Group, i-SAFE, AARP, National Consumers League, Direct Marketing Association, WiredSafety.org, The SANS Institute, The National Association of Attorneys General, Better Business Bureau, NetFamilyNews, CompTIA, National Crime Prevention Council, Association of College Unions International, and the Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association.
In my opinion, this represents a valuable partnership in dealing with the ever growing problem of crime on the Internet. This also represents a very credible collaboration of resources and industry experts (my humble opinion).
There is also a lot of material that businesses and organizations can use to educate their people with. Frequently, I get approached on this subject and I will continue to recommend this site as a valuable resource. Of course, the benefits for the individual person wanting to protect themselves, or become more knowledgeable are there (free for the taking), also.
If you are one of those businesses or organizations wanting additional matertials, you can get free OnGuard Online publications. For 50 or more copies, visit ftc.gov/bulkorder. If you need less than 50 copies, call 1-877-FTC-HELP.