Monday, June 12, 2006

Fraudster Writes a Bad Check to Post Bail

A Sacramento man - who got caught writing a lot of back checks and doing some on-line banking fraud - wrote a bad check to bail himself out. Although, the bail bondsman was savvy enough to catch the fraud on the first check for $3,200.00, he accepted another one for $9,800.00 and bailed the fraudster out.

Of course, the second one was bad, also.

Nonetheless, the fraudster is being sentenced and is facing up to ten years in prison.

There was no information how they got this guy into court, or if they had to send the "bounty hunter" out to ensure he appeared.

There was also no comment as to whether the bail bondsman was able to collect on the second check.

For the full story from, link here.

When accepting any large check, the only way to verify it is good is to contact the actual owner of the account. It's also a pretty good idea to make sure, the writer is the actual person; especially when dealing with an identity thief.

It isn't uncommon for some of these crooks to set-up a fraudulent telephone number so when the item is verified, it appears to be legitimate.

Here is a previous post, I did on bad checks:

Don't Trust a Bank to Tell You Whether a Check is Good, or Not

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