Saturday, February 18, 2006

Is Asia Becoming a Greater Target for Fraud

I've often commented about the borderless nature of crime on the internet. On the internet, crime is as far away as a click of the mouse. With the rapid growth of technology, internet crime is also spreading and creating a pool of victims in Asia.

In fact, Bangalore is becoming a center for "Information Services." Here is an earlier post, I did about that and fraud implications:

What are the Security Implications of Outsourcing

Here is evidence that one international corporate entity (Visa International) that recognizes this and is taking action.

The Edge Daily is reporting:

Visa Asia Pacific has uncovered and shut down 20 spoof websites to prevent cardholders from succumbing to online data theft. Here is the story regarding Visa's Asian adventure:

Visa shuts down 20 spoof, phishing websites

Here is another story regarding the same issue, but more of a warning:

Visa Remind Cardholders To Ignore E-mail Scams

Both of the articles suggest a resource for reporting phishing that is new, to me at least:

There are many, who fear the implications of internet crime in Asia. I fear it not only in Asia, but everywhere in the world. The key is protecting each other through awareness AND realizing "It's a Small World After All."

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