Saturday, March 11, 2006

How Dangerous is China

David Perera of wrote an interesting piece deducting that Chinese hackers might be more interested in hacking our logistic systems than more classified systems that the military uses.

David Perera writes:
For Americans today, war evokes images of roadside bombs and hidden snipers in the Middle East. But Defense Department planners who are paid to think about future wars worry about the People's Republic of China. Rising powers long have challenged dominant countries for primacy - it's an old story. And now, nobody is more powerful than the United States.

Logistics information literally is the bread and butter of the military. Track the supply lines of materiel and personnel and you'll know where troops are headed. Disrupt that supply line, and you will have created a barrier to getting there quickly. Amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics, goes the Pentagon cliché. Yet great chunks of logistics information flow across the unclassified Defense Department system, the Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network, or NIPRNet. The Pentagon maintains a separate network for secret information, but the NIPRNet is its daily workhorse.

The world's largest network once was one built from flagstone-paved roads extending 53,000 miles in Roman antiquity. The roads were designed as a tool for policing an empire, and also for trade and communications. Unfortunately for the Romans, barbarians found them equally useful for their own purposes - attacking legionnaires - and eventually the Roman Empire was no more.
Full story, here.

Last November, I wrote about, US Military Hacked, Sober Worm Goes Worldwide, What Next?

"The Chinese (who seem to be behind the most recent attack on the military) have been suspected of selling technology (including nuclear) to governments, who might be dangerous to world peace. All one has to do is read the story of AQ Khan, who developed nuclear weapons for Pakistan and admitted selling secrets to North Korea, Libya and Iran. There is a lot of speculation that he obtained a lot of his knowledge from the Chinese, who were caught stealing nuclear secrets from us during the Clinton Administration, Online NewsHour: Spies Among Us -- June 9, 1999."

There is also a lot of other evidence that the Chinese are heavily involved in cyber-espionage activities. The FBI Computer Crime Survey stated that China was responsible for 23.9% of the cyber attacks in their survey.

Of course, the United States is still the number one source, but one has to consider that the internet is heavily censored in China. This would lead a logical person to come to the conclusion that certain activities are being tolerated by those, who censor it.

In fact, some have dubbed it the "Great Firewall of China."

Another factor to consider is organized criminal activity of Chinese origin:

Chinese Criminal Enterprises - US Department of State

One of the activities, they are actively involved in is "illegal immigration," which could provide a conduit for planting spies in the industrial and financial sectors.

Patrick Devenny of recently wrote a story, where he quoted Sun Tzu from the Art of War:

Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.

In his article, he writes:

The list of additional recent Chinese espionage cases is long and disturbing. It includes, among others, the theft of Blackhawk helicopter engines and optical devices by a South Korean man arrested last year. A Chinese-American couple in Wisconsin was arrested in 2004 for sending over $500,000 worth of computer parts to the Chinese government that can be used to improve missile guidance systems.

Statements from officials such as Szady hint that cases like these are just a small sample of the overall secret Chinese war against America. Indeed, in the words of one unnamed senior FBI source, “the Chinese are stealing us blind, the 10 year technological advantage we had is vanishing.”

Daily, we read of the threat from Terrorism. While this isn't an issue to be ignored, we can't afford to ignore what seems to be an ongoing and calculated threat from China.

AND there could be more ominous implications. One of the biggest threats today is the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear power.

Guess who has been providing them with technology that could have stolen from us-China (courtesy of NTI).

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